A collection of photographs and art, set to Dan Hills music...
This magnificent collection of trees and shrubs, set in beautiful surroundings, also incorporates fountains, ponds and ornamental greenhouses.
Also included was a unique collection of all the digital videos used in the live show, set to the accompanying live audio from the performance.
A random collection of images of construction in west London, set to morbid melodies, left me confused and irritated.
Spearin released 'The Happiness Project' in 2009, a collection of interviews with his neighbors set to music.
The terrain was rocky and broken, with collections of trees, evergreens mostly, set in small protected dells against the backdrop of the increasingly towering mountains.
No one expects an easy life in this first collection of short fiction, mostly set in the author's native Montana.
It is part of her collection of short stories, set in the Spanish countryside, called "Historias de Artamila" (1961).
Giant Bones, 1997 (collection of original stories set in the world of The Innkeeper's Song)
The Book of the Dead (1991) (collection of short stories set in this world)