A quick, collective exhalation indicated that all the Kushan soldiers accepted the decision.
Higher pitched than before, it is a collective exhalation of relief, as the children, released by their mothers, tumble pell-mell back into the water.
Behind them, tourists left a collective exhalation that was nothing less than poisonous.
The whispers came back now, and a long collective exhalation from the women of Tharn.
There was a collective exhalation of breath from the others.
Each guilty verdict brought a collective exhalation from the gallery, a murmured whoop and then sobbing.
There was a collective inspiration of breath, followed by a collective exhalation.
After what felt like a collective exhalation, Modan said very softly, "It's a predator.
"I think he's doing a little better," I announce, and can't help smiling at their collective exhalation of breath.
All around me was a collective exhalation, the clank of falling swords and targes.