The country is locked now into this collective fear, and no matter what it will take a long time to recover.
Humans had been exploring the galaxy for centuries, and yet the collective fears of millennia continued to haunt them like a plague.
Do we suffer from a collective fear of flying?
Invisible, unknowable threats have replaced nuclear bombs as the source of collective fear.
But they may tap into our collective fears, which color how we act in the world.
Now that the cold war has eased, collective fears of nuclear catastrophe may have abated.
Next, I would like to complain a bit about this debate, with its appeals to collective fear.
He was implicitly stating that fear is a common heritage and collective fear is therefore normal.
We must not become a police state, nor a "police Europe' in which individual liberties and individual protection are sacrificed on the block of collective fear.
This collective fear also served as the impetus for the "safe" trick-or-treating offered by many local malls.