There was every reason to believe the Jets this season would need a few weeks, a few games, to find their collective heart.
The 'collective heart stop' is going to come at launch.
And then do you really think these groups give all that money out of the goodness of their collective hearts?
Even the chorus was touched by this wonderful music and managed at key moments to transmit its collective heart effectively.
The vignettes need to follow in rapid fire as though each were a bullet aimed at the audience's collective heart.
We must speak now to the collective heart that orders us.
The marching band was on the field, putting their collective heart into the familiar school fight song.
I think the biggest thing, though, is that we started to show our collective heart again.
That's probably the No. 1 that takes to win for us in this league: collective heart.
"Are you saying that Solaria was dying of the collective broken heart of its people?"