It seems to me that my first opinion of mild collective hysteria is the correct one.
But with banks and stock markets having gone through a bout of collective hysteria last week, perhaps it's time to question the received wisdom.
Finally, judges recognize the collective hysteria, and accused people start to be released.
Written in avant-garde style, the work speaks about evil times in which witch hunts occur, when collective hysteria becomes the source of individual suffering.
Can watching a movie really have caused this collective hysteria?
Surely the same level of collective hysteria will arise about this as it does when benefit fraudsters are outed.
In layman's language, they have a collective hysteria.
I'm sure scientists will theorize on mass hypnosis, collective hysteria, mass suggestion, and they may well prove to be correct.
"It creates collective hysteria," said Luis Abraham Villa, 20, an office assistant.
Some experts likened the prosecution of "ritual" abuse cases to a collective hysteria not all that different from the Salem witch trials.