In each area, new programs are being initiated to expand current activities, as we work with community partners to maximize our collective impact.
Anderson-Staley's subjects all have strong individual presences, but it's their collective impact that impresses.
"The collective economic impact is deeper and deeply felt to this day."
Regulators and market executives understood the implications of these forces incrementally, but spent little time attempting to discern their collective impact.
Nevertheless, the show's collective impact equals that of a flower found pressed between the pages of an old book.
"They're going to save money, make money, create jobs and have a tremendous collective impact on climate change all at once," he continued.
Generally, rabbinic literature considers the collective impact of each of these issues.
"But the scientifically literate person also recognizes the collective impact of many small actions."
Each speaker had his own message, which made the collective impact indecipherable to Jack's ears.
The collective impact of these user interface changes is largely positive.