America today, for all the violence and brutality we have come both to fear and sometimes to deny, has not quite yet descended into collective madness.
Four years later, Red Guards brought their collective madness to the city.
The appreciation of modern art just seems to manifest itself as some sort of collective madness exhibited by people with too much money to spend.
We were completely under the influence of Scorsese's utterly convincing depiction of an individual suffering from collective madness.
You could call it collective madness.
And the soldiers in Tiananmen Square are seen being engulfed by collective madness.
We headed across the steppe, clambered up onto it and from then on, in a state of collective madness, we were racing.
Borkenau wrote of collective madness, while many writers have discussed collective depression.
The gist of the message is that "collective madness is called sanity".
This was indeed courage, Hay decided; or a fit of collective madness.