And these groups have created 5.8 million companies and a collective population that possesses over $2.46 trillion in total annual purchasing power.
As of 2001, the parish has total collective population of 1,076 (543 Male; 533 Female), spread over 454 households.
As a community is defined by boundaries and image, the collective population of that community places forth shares with monetary value.
Behind them were collective populations numbering trillions in just one state alone.
The Hajin subdistrict consists of four towns which had a collective population of 97,970 in 2004.
The only way to finance a trade deficit is either to run a budget deficit or for the collective populations to run up private debt.
In the 1890s there was a total of 393 localities with a collective population of 39,671, of whom 21,121 were Alawites.
Muslims comprised 25% to 30% of (pre-partition) India's collective population.
Their collective population in the 2000 Census was 41.
The collective population of OIC member states is over 1.4 billion as of 2008.