Machado's later poems are a virtual anthropology of Spain's common people, describing their collective psychology, social mores, and historical destiny.
While Freud did not distinguish between an "individual psychology" and a "collective psychology," Jung distinguished the collective unconscious from the personal subconscious particular to each human being.
The collective psychology would doubtless make a fascinating study, but it will be a long time before this world will enjoy the luxury of being able to embark on serious psychological studies again.
Although they gradually adopted a more suburban life, he said, "I grew up with many open doors on the street, and with a collective psychology respectful of the preservation of family."
Growing up with this collective psychology, he realized that "I also needed an individual psychology if I was going to survive."
"They wanted to create a collective psychology."
This poet used images and symbols from the existing social milieu or collective psychology so that the idea of a deep realization could be easily grasped by the readers.
Just as we each have our own individual psychologies, so too as nations, cultures, religions, etc., do we have a group or collective psychology.
The jellies have a very collective psychology; they like to go along with the group.
It is also about a time and a collective psychology that don't exist anymore.