In this new reality, collective sacrifices must be made to safeguard and enhance our future.
But there is no sense of collective sacrifice in this war, no shared burden of responsibility.
I'm talking about collective sacrifice, collectively undertaken.
This custom of collective sacrifice was known as Jauhar.
We all need to make a collective sacrifice to help our neighbors in the Gulf Coast and to support the war.
The Giuliani administration seemed to fear that by striking, the lawyers threatened the spirit of collective sacrifice.
After the impressive series against Bowling Green, he said this team was best in terms of cohesiveness, spirit and collective sacrifice.
Strikers in London: the coalition has not done enough to persuade voters that the better off are pulling their weight in the collective sacrifice.
Survival of the fittest now seems more important than collective sacrifice.
Returning Utah Vietnam veterans tried to put their war experience behind them without forgetting their personal and collective sacrifice.