Tuck heard what he hoped was a cheer coming from the back of the plane, but there was a distinct possibility that he was hearing collective screams of terror.
And if Erhart begins a sentence with "I am young" one more time, the audience may emit a collective scream.
Each significant moment tonight was greeted with collective screams of rapturous anticipation or momentary exasperation by the 48,760 in attendance.
Rising steeply above the south side of the city, it is a mountain before which Sarajevans feel naked and inclined to a collective scream, like that portrayed in Edvard Munch's famous painting.
It was a collective scream this time.
"Despite the proximity to the hotel entrance," Mrs. Whalen wrote, "hotel security did not respond to our collective screams."
Spencer was next and launched a high drive to left, the fans responding with a collective scream before the ball curved well foul.
There was a collective scream, and much like the earlier vocal release connected to wonder and awe, this sounded pretty much the same from everyone.
We have to go back to the-" Her voice was cut off by a horrible sound, a wail that rose from hundreds of throats, a collective scream.
Was it the collective scream of humans and animals protesting their oncoming death?