He has spent his career assembling data on collective violence and war with a view toward helping their resolution or elimination.
Heavy drinking, spitting, and swearing rather than collective violence marked off the 'rough' from the rest - the self-controlled 'respectable'elements.
Anarchy + collective violence "'everything and at once" ".
Although chiefly associated in the public mind with acts of individual and collective violence, the CNT was a complex phenomenon.
Helen Fein (born 1934) is a historical sociologist, Professor, specialized on genocide, human rights, collective violence and other issues.
His fields of study are the emotional/relational world, mental illness, restorative justice, and collective violence.
His fields of research are social psychology, emotions, mental illness, restorative justice and collective violence.
Not surprisingly, scientific evidence about the effectiveness of interventions to prevent collective violence is lacking.
Here they learned to replace the clan feud with the individual duel, an important shift from collective violence to individual responsibility and violence.
Civil disorder - A form of collective violence interfering with the peace, security, and normal functioning of the community.