While each brewery is by definition tiny, they collectively account for about 500,000 barrels.
The most prosperous Asian nations collectively account for a third of the New York region's international trade, the authority said.
Other species collectively account for only 3-5 percent of the total Northwest harvest.
The five firms collectively accounted for nearly 60 percent of all underwriting fees.
They collectively accounted for more than a third of the space leased in Manhattan so far this year.
The Sematech member companies collectively account for 80 percent of all computer-chip making capacity in the United States.
These countries collectively account for 99.6% of Africa's overall hosts.
The line has 304 tunnels and 1,001 bridges, which collectively account for 17% of the total track length.
By their projections, Nigeria is one of eight countries expected to account collectively for half of the world's total population increase from 2005-2050.
These agencies collectively account for the world's largest source of official financing for private-sector projects.