The community survived until 1935, and is considered by historians as a successful Mennonite settlement that was dissolved under the Soviet collectivization program.
The Russian republic approved a program today to revive the private peasant farm 60 years after Stalin snuffed it out with his collectivization program.
Upon his return to Moscow, Ryutin sharply criticized the collectivization program in a report to the Politburo.
In January 1930, Ryutin published an article in Red Star which again publicly challenged the implementation of the collectivization program.
The authorities eliminated compulsory deliveries for private farmers but reaccelerated the collectivization program in the mid-1950s, albeit less brutally than earlier.
The implication is that the total death toll (both direct and indirect) for Stalin's collectivization program was on the order of 12 million people.
A leading Soviet demographer estimated that altogether 9,400,000 peasants had died during Stalin's collectivization programme in the early 1930s.
Although most small farmers had joined collectives, by 1949, only 12 percent of arable land was under state control - mainly because the collectivization program alienated many peasants.
He was involved in Stalin's collectivization program that destroyed millions of peasants and the bloody purges of the late 30's.
No matter: it was not the people but the categories that counted, and collectivization programs proved as devastating to Siberian natives as to peasants in Ukraine.