Most collectors refer to this Shield as "Lancelot Strong" to differentiate him from the previous one.
Due to their common purchase at five and dime stores, collectors refer to Barclay's toy soldiers as "Dimestore soldiers".
Most collectors refer to these issues as "lamination" errors.
Since they produced the majority of these items, collectors refer to all brass needle cases manufactured during this time period as "Averys".
In fact, several dealers and collectors, in anticipation of last night's sale, were referring to the sale as the "creditor's ball."
This is important because when collectors refer to pieces made by Hagen-Renaker, one way they are identified is by the factory where they were produced.
These devices with their right-angle blades are the earliest forms of what collectors would now refer to as the fleam.
"Strangely enough, the collectors refer to the Starns' work as art objects - even paintings - but not as photographs," says their dealer, Stefan Stux.
Many collectors nowadays refer to most of Edison's recordings as being 'stodgy', although the lateral "Needle Cut" records continue to be collectable.
Pullip collectors often refer to this set as the "Golden Alice" set.