The debt was cleared in 1938, and the college endowment was raised to over half a million dollars by 1939.
The college endowment also grew from $500,000 to nearly $5 million and the campus added sixteen new building during her 36 year presidency.
But now the professionals who manage portfolios for mutual funds, college endowments and big corporations will be asking questions.
It ranks 28th among all college endowments and 8th nationally among public universities.
But for the guardians of a college endowment that is nearly 700 years old, long term really means long.
Highfields also has investments from college endowments and foundations.
Farallon primarily manages money for college endowments, foundations, and high net worth individuals.
Monsignor Barrett said the money would be used as part of the college endowment, which will allow it to support scholarships.
(Full disclosure: I am a member of the investment committee for a college endowment that has adopted this strategy.)
The firm's institutional investors are primarily college endowments and foundations.