For young, college-educated men from Westchester, pro wrestling may not be a typical career choice.
Unlike men with lower education, college-educated men are working more, not less.
"Chinese have this thirst for watching daily life," a college-educated Chinese man said.
Many college-educated men are finding they have been sold a bill of goods, because one in five earns less than the typical high-school graduate.
Most of the investors were college-educated men in their 40's.
Egypt's contemporary Sufis tend to be young, college-educated men in professional careers.
During the 1990s boom, college-educated men received larger raises than women on average.
The first, in which I included myself, were mainly college-educated men and women who wanted to experience the world as broadly as possible.
Previous studies had found that wages of college-educated men - but not women - slipped during the economic stagnation from 1989 to 1991.
The Boule was created in 1904 to give college-educated black men a forum for intellectual discourse.