The college-going rate was 63.8%, compared with the state average of 50.9%.
ISA's model for school improvement is framed by what its website describes as seven "research-based principles" leading to greater student achievement and improved high school graduation and "college-going" rates.
Improvements in many major areas have been documented, including ACT scores, college-going rates and remediation.
"Our analyses found the disparity in college-going rates between black and white students had increased, across the board," said Ms. Byrd.
At a time when a college degree is the price of admission to the new economy, the college-going rate has flattened over all and appears to be dropping among the poor.
He said that the state's "very high college-going rate" was "direct evidence that New Yorkers, with the help of the Tuition Assistance Program, are able to afford college."
The Ventura College Promise is designed to remove the economic barriers to education for graduating high school seniors, to improve the college-going rate, and to enhance the quality of the local workforce.
We have one of the highest college-going rates in the nation.
"But even if you look only at those who graduate from high school, the gap between the college-going rate of blacks and whites is widening."
The academies create a school-within-a-school themed education in hopes to help bridge the achievement gap and increasing high graduation and college-going rates.