The School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University was the world's first school for college-level study in HR.
The Advanced Placement (AP) Program gives students the opportunity to pursue college-level studies while still at Spotsylvania.
Canadian Studies is a college-level study of Canadian culture, Canadian languages, literature, Quebec, agriculture, history, and their government and politics.
The Advance Placement, AP, Program gives students the opportunity to pursue college-level studies and receive advance placement and/or credit upon entering college.
Ward's Natural Science is a supplier of science education materials for high school and college-level studies in Rochester, New York.
As many as 60 percent of first-year students are likely to need remedial courses before undertaking college-level studies.
He added another year to the school's curriculum, because of a general observation that incoming students seemed relatively unprepared for the rigorous college-level study.
It was the world's first school for college-level study in workplace issues and remains one of a handful of four-year undergraduate programs focused on work and employment.
My mom says I can decide after I've started my college-level studies.
In addition to preparing students for college-level study, the program has three objectives.