Prior to that, he spent 20 years as an assistant coach in the collegiate and professional ranks.
Second, scholarships were just being introduced at the time I was exiting the collegiate ranks.
He coached for almost 40 years in the high school and collegiate ranks.
Teams shall be represented by players coming from the collegiate ranks, or fresh graduates who want pursue a career in basketball.
Since 1989, Hillcrest has had more than 35 student-athletes play in the collegiate ranks.
Jim Johnson was a football coach in the collegiate and professional ranks for over 40 years.
Prior to his professional career, he worked 31 years in the collegiate ranks.
It is done on relatively short notice: the Olympic coach has only three months or so to select 12 compatible players from the collegiate ranks.
He coached in the high school and collegiate ranks.
The option offense is most frequently utilized in the high school and collegiate ranks.