This target atom then itself becomes a projectile in the solid, and can cause successive collision events.
Thus the maximum energy accumulated by the plate can be calculated from the deceleration phase of the collision event.
Essentially, the act of random collision events results in a macroscopic behavior that is not random at all.
One situation where this might occur is a catastrophic loss of electrical power early in a collision event.
Most collision events in the detector are "soft" and do not produce interesting effects.
Luminosity is a measure of how efficiently a particle accelerator produces collision events.
In recoil mixing, atoms are relocated by single collision events.
The collision event is represented in the Massif Central by the phase D.
Until recently, it was believed that this collision event occurred 160 million years ago.
For example, the following piece of code, placed in a collision event, could be used to destroy the other instance involved.