Some years later when the collision rate had increased, a new trigger processor was built.
When insurers raised collision rates for so-called muscle cars in the 1970's, sales slumped.
The collision rate is estimated to be approximately 2000 kilometre-sized comets per day.
In 1964, Solomon researched the relationship between average speed and collision rates of automobiles and plotted the results.
While others have attempted to quantify the relationship between average speed and collision rates, Solomon's work was both "the earliest and best known".
Both the existence of the source populations and the mechanisms that maintain the collision rate depend on how worlds are distributed.
That, he said, "explains why the rapid growth of the technology was not associated with a rapid increase in collision rates."
At these collision rates, they would not get enough good data.
The collision rate is important for the search for the top quark.
Right now we are accumulating data and the accelerator operators are pushing to increase the collision rate to the design capabilities of the machine.