Word-finally in Brazil, the rhotic is often dropped entirely when speaking colloquially; when preserved, the same variation occurs as before a consonant.
Ivo had not heard Groton speak that colloquially before, and he took it as another indication of strain.
Colloquially speaking, everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time.
Final word, guaranteed accurate: Cooke had a genius for writing exactly as he spoke, and he spoke succinctly and colloquially.
I meant to use the phrase right below it, "Z calego serca," which means, colloquially speaking, "I agree with all my heart."
Under these circumstances, even if colloquially speaking one might say a person is acting of his own free will, a conviction of murder is possible.
Colloquially speaking, it means, 'Have you had a bowel movement today?'
"Colloquially speaking, it means, 'Have You bowel movement today?' "
They are using a quite distinct variety of German when speaking colloquially.
I was speaking colloquially, dadda.