Not one, in fact, has ever admitted publicly that the clubs engaged in illegal collusive practices against free agents in 1985, '86 and '87.
"At this point it is unclear whether these alleged collusive practices represent an isolated case or a systemic market problem," Fitch wrote.
Its price nosedived after a federal investigation into collusive practices gathered steam last January.
The United States in particular has been pressing Japan to step up its actions against bid rigging and other collusive practices.
The great Charter of 1217 had struck at certain collusive practices to which the churches were privy.
For four years, the Justice Department's antitrust division has been investigating price-fixing and other collusive practices that raised costs to the auction houses' customers.
In the present world of baseball, though, nothing about free agents really surprises Mattingly, who is convinced the owners have engaged in collusive practices.
But they hope the trial will send a signal to companies engaged in other collusive practices.
The Players Association believes that the shorter contracts are a result of the collusive practices employed by the owners in 1985, '86 and maybe '87.
These Acts, first, restrict the formation of cartels and prohibit other collusive practices regarded as being in restraint of trade.