The specific origin for the quesadilla was in colonial Mexico.
The atrium has four corner chapels which are some of the most elaborate of their type from colonial Mexico.
The Museo Local also contains paintings related to colonial Mexico and the war of independence.
He wrote, in addition to plays and poetry, various novels set in colonial Mexico, a genre known as colonialista.
Spur designs in Spain and colonial Mexico were particularly elaborate.
Hundreds of convents were founded in colonial Mexico, especially during the 17th century.
Indeed, resistance to colonialism was frequently at the heart of the Indian experience in colonial Mexico.
They were expressions of the people's desire to create a more satisfying state than the one they inhabited in colonial Mexico.
Even so, most paintings of elite members of society in colonial Mexico are of individuals, not family groups.
Convents flourished in colonial Mexico, with nearly 6o of them founded between 1550 and 1811.