The medical passport was mandatory for all residents, to be presented upon request to any colonial official, an idea picked up by other colonies.
He appointed more colonial officials with higher wages, set up a police force and took part in explorations of the surrounding terrain.
This house, a low, rather gloomy bungalow under a corrugated-tin roof, had been built for a colonial official in Protectorate days.
William Augustine Duncan (1811-1885) was a Scottish journalist, and colonial official.
Hancock wrote innumerable letters to colonial officials, raising money, supplies, and troops for Washington's army.
Warming to his subject, the character, a colonial official, is asked what the large community of Syrian immigrants do.
He undertook training to be a colonial official in 1854.
The new council would consist of eleven colonial officials and eleven elected representatives.
Đặng Phong was the second of the two sons of a colonial official and a teacher.
The majority of members were colonial officials.