Not a shot was fired by the conqueror in this unprecedented colonization program.
Rather, it would form the basis for a much more ambitious colonization program.
A large-scale colonization program saw families from northeastern Brazil relocated to the forests, encouraged by promises of cheap land.
And as for the colonization program, many are saying it is a waste of money, when war is erupting here on Earth.
If you think the colonization program is very very important.
Now that it is over, the colonists hope the story of their battle will inspire Earth's population to restart the colonization program.
That they were wrong about how they've managed the off-world colonization program?
They'll be able to make the changes to the off-world colonization program that they've wanted to for a long time.
The system's largest manufacturer of humanoid robots used in our colonization program?
There are theories about a prehistoric colonization program by common, star-travelling an-cestors.