The colonies maintained control over their respective navies until 1 March 1901, when the Commonwealth Naval Force was created.
Each colony typically maintain a single hibernaculum and a number of smaller burrows, used for sleeping and refuge from predators.
At least in some instances, the species is polydomous, with a single colony occupying and maintaining more than one nest at a time.
The colony maintained a good relationship with the large Native American population and regularly traded with other emerging colonies within the area.
Although the colony no longer maintains close ties to Vulcan, they have never declared their independence.
The British hoped that union would make the colonies less reliant on Britain, and therefore less costly to maintain.
The colonies maintain sentinels who whistle at the sight of a predator, bringing the pack scurrying back to safety.
Despite the allegations, the colony has maintained relations with a succession of Chilean governments, elected and military.
The colony would maintain the road between Toukoto and Bamako at its own expense, while the company would provide 85 trucks.