Switzers were under the employ of the French government in their colony of Louisiana.
Suddenly and impulsively, he decided to rid himself of his newly reacquired colony of Louisiana.
Jean-Michel de Lepinay was the governor of the French colony of Louisiana from 1717 to 1718.
The French colony of Louisiana.
Drums did, however, remain a prominent part of the music of the French colony of Louisiana.
I remember the anger I felt when he sold the colony of Louisiana to the United States.
But the expedition had cost more than three times the normal yearly expenses of the entire colony of Louisiana with no visible result.
He had fled to the then Spanish colony of Louisiana to escape prosecution, and became involved in various land deals.
The establishment of New Orleans in 1718 marked the beginning of the French colony of Louisiana.
He is, on this very day, in the city of New Orleans in the former French colony of Louisiana.