Their deep green colors add a lot of panache to everyday meals.
Other colors (custom samples are $50) add slightly to the price.
Whether inherent in the image or applied by hand, subdued color adds emotional impact to several photographers' work.
The color may add nothing to our understanding of this war, but there is no denying its emotional immediacy.
In 1973, the primary color of red wad added, and the body striping was eliminated for a more contemporary look.
One thing is certain: color will add several hundred dollars, at least, to the price of the laptops.
The chains followed up quickly by labeling all such salmon as "color added".
Also the vibrant colors of individual fruits add to the drink's personality.
The color of many items added to the interior can also be changed.
Richard paused, then added another child's color - the one most small children are apt to leave in the box.