But it is still intermittently magical, at once replicating the shimmering bright and dull colors of Robert Rauschenberg's costumes and isolating the dancers.
There were four divisions, or 'factiones', of charioteers, distinguished by the color of their costumes: the red, blue, green and white teams.
One can understand why the audience was turned on by the physical drive of the choreography and the brilliant colors of Sarah Woodall's costumes.
They could apply to Mata and her recent partner where the colors of their costumes were concerned; but that wasn't all.
It is something of a giveaway that the families are differentiated by the colors - red, green or blue - of their costumes.
In response to the outcry, the colour of dancer's costumes was changed from light pink, flesh-toned pieces to a less provocative white and the performances were not to extend past midnight.
On the green lawn and against the sunny blue of the sky the colors of their costumes made a gorgeous display.
"Dance Panel No. 7" tells no story, but its energetic release, enhanced by the diverse colors of Christina Giannini's costumes, excites on its own terms.
And there is a unifying thread: the precious stones motif that Balanchine introduced in 1967 through the colors of Karinska's costumes and Mr. Harvey's original décor.
Ten men and women identified by the colors of their costumes danced for about an hour on a stage empty of scenery.