The term is a reference to a popular song from 1958, the superb efficiency of the defense, and the color of their uniforms.
In January 1988, the State Police changed the color of its uniforms.
He was referring to the color of their uniforms.
The college's colors are buff and blue, the colors of the Continental Army's uniforms.
The Poldep offices differed from those of the other government services only by the color of their uniforms: black.
The word green refers to the colour of the Guides' uniforms, and is not a political statement.
When was the last time a baseball team bothered giving a statement about the color of its uniforms?
The color of their uniforms worked for the superstitious Cubans, but if they had lost, they would have blamed two men in blue.
As in past seasons, the pros are designated by the color of their uniforms.
It would be blue, a brighter shade of the color of the guards' uniforms.