Ms. Ruyter makes flat, crisply outlined, hallucinogenically colored paintings of things like the view between two houses or a luxuriantly textured tree branch.
They were brightly colored paintings depicting vivid sunrises and sunsets, broadly painted with little detail.
Her work during that time was strongly influenced by the pop art colors and materials of the time, producing numerous brightly colored euphoric space-themed paintings.
Fleming's retelling captures the humor of Franklin's tale and adds charming period detail, while Parker's richly colored ink-and-watercolor paintings are the perfect accompaniment.
They give way by the early 70's to more vividly colored multi-panel paintings in which increasing varieties of shapes and lines jostle.
His art is currently represented by The Moore Gallery in Toronto, which has had shows of Fauteux's newest boldly colored and shaped paintings.
For starters, Ms. Emerson makes luridly colored, rhinestone-studded paintings about deer hunting.
Emerson Woelffer is best known for his boldly colored abstract paintings and collages with jagged forms.
Richly colored paintings on wood panels that depict saints and other holy figures, icons play a very central and visible role in the Orthodox Church.
Self-taught, Ryder's soft pastels colored paintings captured the dusty bruding southwestern twilight skies.