The festival, having been held by Koreans throughout their history of more than 2000 years, is described as "colorful events filled with joy, friendship, drink and dance".
Many of these colorful and entertaining cultural events that are recognized internationally and draw tourists from around the globe.
This is the most colorful event and a very special occasion for the cadets.
His time as mayor was marked by colorful events, including a time when a felon threatened and punched Koziura while in his office.
It is an immensely colorful event, the dancers in elaborate feathered costumes competing with each other in dazzling performances.
Kosi: On the night of day three, a colorful event of Kosi is held.
The week-long Lanzones Festival is one of the more colorful events in the Philippines.
The yearly sports meet is a colorful event of the school in every year.
The reward is to witness a colorful and singular event.
One of the most colorful and anticipated events was the annual Mad Day celebration.