A1 The hearing's colorful players A26 Should doctors aid people in suicide?
During the next three seasons, Dancer became one of the most talented and colorful players of the league.
Louis is a colorful player and a good stock picker.
They had an amazing cast of colorful players who wore cool mustaches.
He also has been viewed as one of the more colorful players in the world foreign policy arena.
These colorful little players are good for about 240 songs, with about 12 hours of battery life.
Of course, little else could be expected from Miller since, as he said, "I'm a colorful player myself.
Technically she can do an enormous amount of things, and she is a very colorful player.
He is an alert and colorful player, not one to let an opportunity for a registrational change slip past him.
Lima is the most colorful player on the Mets' roster - in more ways than one.