It was a small, colorful shop that sold mostly sports clothing, skis, and athletic shoes.
A Map Down a couple of steps from the street, this colorful shop packs in cool Danish-modern furniture (from the 1950s, '60s and '70s) and other vintage furnishings.
This bright, colorful shop will get you in the holiday mood.
In contrast to the more lively, noisy and colorful shops and cafes on Broad Street, the sober red-brick inn has all the luster of a government-owned building.
This new 47,000-square-foot assemblage of California butchers, bakers and goat-cheese makers is a permanent, covered marketplace where rows of colorful shops and stalls line the indoor pathways.
But the colorful, funky shops and galleries that line each block are as trendy as any savvy merchandiser targeting kids (or rather, their doting elders) could wish.
Her colorful shop is stocked with lamps, china and fabric, much of it designed by Ms. Campbell, and it attracts a well-dressed clientele from Chelsea and Mayfair.
The Htel Gilles was on the Left Bank, not far from the colorful shops and restaurants of the boulevard Saint-Germain.
"People were making comments about this being their town and wanting certain kinds of people to come in here," Ms. Goldschlag said one recent afternoon in her colorful shop.
Room after room in this colorful shop is filled with the wood, skin and copper masks of Oaxaca, Michoacán, Hidalgo, Sonora and Sinaloa.