On the same day, the newspaper's Spanish-language edition, El Nuevo Herald, carried a column criticizing exile leaders who advocate military action against Cuba but who are unwilling themselves to stir from the comfort and safety of Miami.
Canaday's inaugural column and subsequent articles criticizing this style provoked a much-publicized letter to the New York Times signed by 49 of the nation's leading art figures, who denounced Canaday as an agitator.
IN a column last week criticizing the press for alarmist coverage of pesticides, I referred to a danger of organic food.
Mao Yushi wrote an online column criticizing the communist and totalitarian policies of Mao Zedong in China.
In September, Mr. Hitchens wrote a column criticizing Fidel Castro for suppressing writers in Cuba.
To the Editor: A. M. Rosenthal's accusation against us in "Evans-Novak & Popeye" (March 20), the first of his columns criticizing us, does us a disservice.
He'd wanted to write a column criticizing the study, partly because it omitted what he felt were some important qualifications.
Q. I am interested in your reaction to Paul Krugman s column criticizing the media coverage of the debates.
In 2008, she wrote another column criticizing Hasids in the Toronto area.
While hobnobbing, Ted sees Zoey, with whom he is angry for writing a column criticizing his work at GNB regarding the Arcadian.