The correct interpretation which this column, with a little more research, should have presented is that "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?"
The final column of table 9.2 presents the range of assessed needs per head across all authorities for each expenditure heading.
This column presents 10 questions to be answered, just like "I Have a Riddle."
Vaults, roofs, arches and columns often presented a problem.
The first column presents the measure types, the second the variables being measured, and the third column gives the variables excluded from measurement.
So for the next few days this column will present several different ways of assessing corporate performance for 1989.
Next week's column will present a sampling.
The column presents a countdown list of Sakamoto's ten favourite non-hit songs of the week.
A regular column called 'Ask the Warden' presents questions and requests to the warden.
Each of the columns is richly carved and interestingly no two columns present the same design.