That column also reported on the study rejected by Federal officials yesterday.
The column reports that a tentative settlement between Nicks and the feds is in the works.
As this column reported last summer, the American press is waging a sly attack against the well-dressed man.
The results for 1986 have just been announced, and this column and the next will report on the winners.
This column will report on individual items as they become available.
A previous column reported on the winners among television sets.
The column reports that last year banks raised outstanding credit by more than 8 percent, the fastest rate of increase in ten years.
The same is being said of what this column reported in August about the state of the California wine industry.
The column reports that in a survey of 128 large companies, 60% say they are hiring more Y2K (the hot new acronym, apparently) staff.
A regular column reports a list of statistics without comment.