The column, Peepshow, written under the pen name Kirwan Ward was published six days a week from 1946 until 1974.
A monthly column written by Iain Lafferty.
He later had a regular financial column, Ticker, writing more than 2,300 columns from February 22, 1977 to December 28, 2001, along with many feature articles.
This row is then active and columns may be accessed for read or write.
She said "If you feel passionate about a subject, the columns almost write themselves."
The great thing about putting that familiar question to Edward Irving Koch is that the column then writes itself.
Wrote a monthly column for Financial Mail on Sunday (£10,001-£15,000)
Not only was his column written in English, but it had lots of pictures and was fun to look at!
This column has written about the issue before.
He grew in notoriety with his "Dere Mable" letters, a humorous column from an illiterate soldier writing home.