John is also a commercial seaman, who has come ashore to wait for his cancer-ridden, comatose wife to die.
Iron Fist was sent back to Kingpin to distract him while Daredevil tried to kill his comatose wife.
Taking revenge, she steals a priceless artifact that he was going to use on his comatose wife.
In retaliation, a crazed Daredevil breaks into Fisk's offices and threatens to murder his comatose wife by snapping her neck.
Seeking revenge, she stole a priceless tablet that he was going to use on his comatose wife.
Sighing, Rom slumped in the guest chair and stared at his comatose wife.
In a stand off, Matt defuses the situation by allowing the man to speak with his comatose wife.
Charles begins spending hours at the bedside of his comatose wife, wringing his hands and begging her advice.
He was once more preoccupied with thoughts of Jenny, his comatose wife, whose condition haunted him more than usual at Christmastime.
Jorja realized that he had spent eight years talking to a comatose wife who had never responded, so he would not lose patience with Marcie anytime soon.