The vast majority of names on the missing list represent probable combat fatalities in which no body was ever recovered.
Television and the global news media have changed the perception of combat fatalities as well.
Since the task force began operations last August, it has not suffered a combat fatality.
In this single action, Hungarian combat fatalities jumped by 80,000.
Mercifully, there have been no American combat fatalities.
The deaths of the Pakistani soldiers were the first combat fatalities the country has suffered since it began sending troops to the border months ago.
Despite these large numbers of men, not a single combat fatality occurred during the border dispute.
In the end - with Britain's one combat fatality - it hadn't taken much.
He then headed a rebellion on June 9, 1956, which quickly spread through the country, but resulted only in seven combat fatalities.
The American death toll from bad food in that war exceeded combat fatalities.