Actually, each lance contained six personnel, each with a horse, but only four of them were counted as combat personnel.
But Miss Chun-have you considered the problem of reintegrating former combat personnel into civilian society?
It consists of more than 900 combat personnel.
While the Service Corps were considered combat personnel, they were primarily associated with transport and logistics.
The combat personnel are where they need to be also.
The wing participated in its first combat personnel airborne drop on March 23, 1951, at Munsan-ni.
This development brought the total PVA strength to 450,000, including 380,000 combat personnel.
Are we so overreliant on private contractors that the line between combat personnel and support personnel is getting blurred?
Which leaves a grand total, if you can count, of less than fifteen hundred available combat personnel.
Tell Lieutenant Choudhury to start scheduling drills for her most experienced combat personnel.