In addition, it is a "grappler ship," a spaceship with manipulator arms modified for combat purposes.
While that assertion has not been verified by any international supervisory body, Western nations increasingly believe that for all effective combat purposes, Vietnamese troops are gone.
By August 1917, there was a growing inclination in the military establishment to discontinue the organization of women for combat purposes.
People who wear them always seem to be violent; it's as though they want to conceal their eye movements for combat purposes.
Seeing as how the game was mostly stealth-oriented, the cover system served little combat purpose.
These short-term, lightly trained troops freed veteran units from routine duty to allow them to go to the front lines for combat purposes.
Iraq has no history of using helicopters for combat purposes in the Kurdish exclusion zone.
He served during World War I as a photographer, helping progress the art of aerial photography for combat purposes.
Some Dark Gifts, described below, are purely for combat purposes, and require a partially or completely full Rage Bar to execute.
They can be pinpointed at any given time-close enough for combat purposes, but not close enough for their ground base to beam them any warning.