The half-dozen or so students I spoke to afterward were delighted with his combative manner and concluded that he had taken them seriously enough to find their claims worth contradicting.
"I mean, come on, grow up, guys; some people in this town are just too delicate," continued Mr. Bennett, who knows something about the political price of operating with a blunt, combative manner.
But to detractors, Judge Sotomayor's sharp-tongued and occasionally combative manner some lawyers have described her as "difficult" and "nasty" raises questions about her judicial temperament and willingness to listen.
While in custody last night, Mr. Capers began "acting irrationally and in a combative manner," a police spokesman said.
Worse still, Layton's air of apparent hostility extended to the lawyers arguing before him, whom he would repeatedly challenge in a combative manner.
Although she has a frank-talking, even combative manner, Ms. Winfrey does not seem to be looking for trouble.
Ms. Siegel has a rich sensual voice and a tough, almost combative manner of phrasing that eases when she opens up and lets go emotionally.
"I believe I was invited to a meeting," Saladin answered in his least combative manner, and Pamela freaked.
The old combative manner hasn't entirely disappeared, but it's hollow, eroded from within by irony and regret.
He is also known for his occasionally combative manner and his extravagant tastes, a combination that could now prove to be his undoing.