Combine a trip to Spring Island with other first-class wildlife-viewing opportunities on Vancouver Island:
An additional pressure will be the expected increase in foreign tourists hoping to combine a trip to the Olympics with a trip into the countryside.
I would like to combine a trip there with one to the Kirabantan River in Borneo.
I'd like to combine a trip to some national parks in the Western United States with a whitewater excursion.
Most visitors combine a trip with a visit to the better-known Skeleton Coast to the north.
Area schools also come for "spin and learn," a one-hour session that combines a trip to the carousel with a visit to the state Capitol.
I want to combine a trip abroad next year with a two or three-week placement as a volunteer in Africa or Asia.
(Of course not, the realists grumble, but perhaps more gallery directors and collectors will be willing to combine a trip to the museum with a studio visit.)
I'd combine a trip here with a tour around northern California.
I like the idea of combining a trip to Budapest with saving money on dentistry.