Neither are the States especially interested competent to combine among themselves for the necessary operations.
Or take the acquisition of Centocor, which resulted in combining some jobs among the biotech subsidiaries, including financial and manufacturing positions.
Some services combine these, or offer even more fine divisions among them.
They existed as single atoms that did not combine among themselves, or with others (with a few exceptions first noted in the 1960s).
The trio combines elements of experimental jazz, rock and electronic music, among other genres.
Combine soy sauce, rice vinegar and daikon, and divide among 6 small dishes for dipping.
That, too, of course, but I also combine things, among them, traits, color, gender.
There is a South Asian Club which combines both Indian and Pakistani cultures, among others.
She combined the rigors of training and service, along with a sense of family among the Institute's participants.
The goal of the command team is to combine instructions and coordinate action among management.