In a salad bowl, combine the quinoa, scallions, cucumber, and cilantro.
In a blender, combine cilantro, rice wine vinegar and grape-seed oil.
Combine cilantro in a blender or food processor with garlic, ginger, chili and oil.
Combine the yogurt, vinegar, pepper, salt and cilantro in a bowl.
In a large bowl, combine sweet potatoes, white potatoes, scallions and cilantro.
In a medium-size bowl, combine the corn juice, jalapeno and cilantro.
Combine the grilled onion, avocados, tomato, garlic, chilies and cilantro.
In a serving bowl combine the yogurt, sour cream, oil and remaining cilantro, and mix well.
Combine the tomatoes, chiles, cilantro, vinegar, lime juice and olive oil in a bowl.
In a small saucepan, combine carrot and ginger juices and remaining cilantro.