Auricupride is a natural alloy that combines copper and gold.
One combines copper, bronze and gold in a coppery color dappled with gold.
Jean Kawecki of Montclair combines stone, copper and epoxy to create dynamic figures.
It combines copper and zinc together.
In the Moche culture, whose skilled artisans used sophisticated techniques to combine gold, silver and copper, nose ornaments were a vital part of royal regalia.
Robert Farrell combines gold, silver, copper, brass and nickle for his tableware.
Previously, superconductors were made by combining yttrium, copper and barium with oxygen in an extremely hot furnace.
Copper alloy: by combining copper with a harder metal, the bit lasts longer.
Lubaloy is made from combining 91% copper, 8.5% zinc, and 0.5% tin.