It is also possible to create your own major by combining courses from different programs.
Students are encouraged to experiment in combining courses, thereby encouraging multidisciplinary research and interests.
In addition, there are interdisciplinary programs that combine courses from a number of different academic departments in the faculty.
This makes it easy for students to combine courses with their other responsibilities.
Students can also chose a non-residency format combining online and intesive courses to complete this degree.
It combines academic courses with skills training.
This initial training will often combine off-the-job courses with on-the-job guidance and support.
Culver-Stockton is one of only two colleges to offer an arts management degree, which combines courses in fine arts, business, and communications.
The musical theatre major, new in 2007, combines courses in music, theatre, and dance.
Professional staff members have at least three years of college combining general education and child-related courses.